Admissions (WJ)
The move from one school to the next is a major step in a child’s life. We work closely with all schools to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible. We welcome visits from any parents considering our school please phone the office to arrange a tour. The school office staff will be happy to provide you with details and organise an individual appointment.
Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools. The admission arrangements are determined by the County Council after consultation. Hampshire will consider all applications for Year 2 to Year 3 transfer in accordance with their latest Admissions Policy.
Recent changes to admissions now means that out of round admissions - those not involving Year 2 or 6 for the following September - are now once again the responsibility of the school to process in accordance with the admission policy. If you are looking for a place for your child please contact the school directly for advice.
At Wildground Junior School the maximum number of places we hold for each year group is 60. If a year group is full then any parent is entitled to appeal. This process is described in full within the Hampshire Admissions Policy.
Pupils with disabilities are considered for admission through the same policy and in close liaison with parents and other professionals. Copies of the school’s Equality Opportunities and Special Educational Needs Policies can be found on our policy page.
The majority of our children come from Wildground Infant School and we have a strong relationship with the Infants as both schools are committed to the children experiencing a continuous education experience. Events are planned through the academic year so that the children can confidently and quickly settle when starting in Year 3.
Children transfer to secondary school at the end of Year 6 when they are aged 11. The local secondary schools for the majority of our children are Applemore College and Noadswood School.