School Name

Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Junior School

Lunchtimes and School meals

Hot school meals are provided by Hampshire County Council Education Catering.  They currently cost £3.20 per day.  As in a restaurant or take away establishment, meals must be paid for before ordering them, alternatively they can be paid in advance if you know your child will have school meals most days. 


Payment online via the Arbor Parent Portal (which is also used for booking clubs, trips & parent consultations) - if you do not have an account for your child, then please contact the School Office and we will send you a verification code.


If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals then please let us know as soon as possible.  We do not want any child to miss out.


If your child has any food allergies or special dietary requirements (for instance vegetarianism or religious) please fill in their details via the Special Diets Portal


Further menu info available via the HCC Education Catering website

School Dinners are served in the hall.

White (Jacket Potato) Menu

The lunchtime supervisors organise many different activities at lunchtime which extend and develop children's play, activity and social skills. Activities include painting, tennis, board games, reading, basketball, swing ball, dressing up, giant chalks, waterplay and skipping. 

Lunchtime activities

