School Name

Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Junior School

Otters and Snow Leopards (Resourced Provisions)

The Otters and The Snow Leopards


Within Wildground Junior School there are two Resourced Provisions. The Otters class caters for children with an EHCP for social emotional and mental health needs. The Snow Leopards class caters for children with ASC needs. The timings for our day are 8:45am - 3:15pm.


These provisions are designed for those children who require a specialist environment within a mainstream school. We enable children to access a full, rich mainstream curriculum in a supportive environment, where there are staff who have relevant expertise and knowledge.


Each provision has 8 places, funded by Hampshire SEN.

Children are allocated these spaces through County systems.

Children in Otters normally spend most of their time in mainstream classes in the morning with friends but will also spend some time in the Resourced Provision to access the additional specialist help and support available there.

Children in Snow Leopards normally spend more time in their RP as the environment is designed to ensure they are not overwhelmed. However, they also spend time in their mainstream class and are included in trips etc where possible.


Whilst in the Otters or Snow Leopards, children have a daily progress card and a regulation support plan. 

Each child also receives bespoke interventions, such as zones of regulation and reflection time throughout the day to help with their SEMH or communication and interaction needs.


The adults that help across both the Snow Leopards and Otters are:


Ms Everett (Head of RP and SENDCo)

Mrs Parkhurst (Teacher)

Miss Reece (Behaviour Learning Support Manager)

Miss Bath- Smith (Learning Support Assistant)

Miss James (Learning Support Assistant)

Mrs Gregory (Learning Support Assistant)

Mrs Saward (Learning Support Assistant)

Ms Cooper (Learning Support Assistant)

Ms Hibberd (Learning Support Assistant)

Ms Dobbing (Learning Support Assistant)

Ms Gallagher (Learning Support Assistant)

Mr Bambridge (Learning Support Assistant)

Miss Dempsey (Learning Support Assistant)

Mr Franks (Learning Support Assistant and mini bus driver)

Mrs Murphy (Learning Support Assistant)


If you wish to speak to the school SENDCo, or visit the Provisions, please contact Ms Everett on 

Please note that whilst we are happy to show you around the Resourced Provision after school, it is the Local Authority that offers children a place and not the school. 


The process for application for a place is usually as follows:

  1. Annual review of EHCP - school advise they cannot meet need.
  2. Hampshire SEN send consultations to various settings, including parents preferred choice.
  3. Settings advise Hampshire SEN if they are able to meet need.
  4. Hampshire SEN collate the  list of children for a monthly Panel meeting with Special schools and RPs to discuss children. 
  5. Outcome of discussion and any proposed placements shared with SEN.
  6. Hampshire SEN make a final decision and share any placements offered with parents.
  7. Parents may agree or disagree with the placement offered. 
  8. If parents agree a transition will begin in an agreed timescale. 


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The Living Rainforest

