School Name

Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Infant School

School Meals

At Wildground Infant and Junior Federation we believe that the best option for children at lunchtime is to have the hot school dinner, provided through our partnership with Hampshire County Council Education Catering. We expect that parents of children in Key Stage 1 (Years R-2) will take up the option of the Universal Infant Free School Meal. This is because we believe that the hot school dinner option is much better for the children's learning and health. We recognise the evidence that states

  • Children are better prepared for learning if they eat well
  • Children make more progress if they have eaten the right nutritional lunch
  • Only 1% of packed lunches provide the correct nutrition
  • Eating hot dinners is an important social occasion and the children learn vital social skills

HCC Education Catering meals provide all the nutrients that children require through the week. They produce a menu which has a three-weekly cycle and is available for parents to view :  HCC Education Catering Primary Menus


"">Food image created by Freepik

Each day your child will be able to choose between a hot red, green or white meal. The red choice usually includes meat or fish, the green choice of meal is the vegetarian option & the white is a filled jacket potato. Water will be offered to accompany the meal. There will be fruit available as an alternative to the dessert choice.


If your child has a medically identified special diet, such as an allergy or food intolerance, you will need to inform the Federation Office and complete an application via Special Diets Portal, where you will be required to name your child’s dietician / GP. The school kitchen will then be able work with Hampshire Caterers to arrange a menu that suits your child’s dietary needs.


Packed Lunches

If you decide that your child would like a packed lunch instead of a school meal please be aware that at our schools we promote healthy eating. We ask for your support in not providing your child with sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, or glass bottles. A carton of 100 % fruit juice / smoothie is okay. We encourage your child to return all uneaten food in their lunch box, so you can monitor what they have eaten.

White (Jacket Potato) Menu

