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Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Federation

Governor Attendance

The Structure of the Governing Body 2024-2025

The Governing Body have decided to continue with a Flat Structure for a further year, with 9 Full Governing Board meetings running across the year.

Governor Attendance Sept 2024 - Jul 2025 - Full Governing Body Meetings

NamePositionType of GovernorVoting Rights19/917/1021/1116/0113/0227/0308/0505/0610/07
Debbie SawyerChairCo-OptedYesYYYY     
Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-OptedYesYY*AA     
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HTYesYAYY     
Sean Cullen LA GovernorYesYAYY     
Laura Sutton Staff GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/A     
Amelia Blake Co-Opted GovernorYesYYYY     
Katie McAuley Co-Opted GovernorYesYYYA     
Deborah Pyne Co-Opted GovernorYesAAAA     
Roderick Leach Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AYYY     
Tina Davidson Clerk to the Governing BodyNoYYYY     
Deb Summers AssociateNoYYYN/A     
Lisa Mason-Hewitt AssociateNoN/AN/AN/AN/A     
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor          
Vacancy Parent Governor          
Vacancy Parent Governor          
Craig Maxwell-BrownResigned May 2024Co-Opted Governor N/AN/AN/AN/A     
Jaydene WitchellResigned September 2024Parent Governor N/AN/AN/AN/A     
Steve AngelResigned October 2024Parent Governor AAN/AN/A     
Ellie MorlandResigned December 2024Staff Governor AY*YN/A     

(Key: Y=Attended; Y*= Attended but left before the end of the meeting; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2023-2024

The Governing Body have decided to continue with a Flat Structure for a further year, with 9 Full Governing Board meetings running across the year.

Governor Attendance Sept 2023 - Jul 2024 - Full Governing Body Meetings

NamePositionType of GovernorVoting Rights21/919/1023/1111/0108/0221/0302/0506/0611/07
Debbie SawyerChairCo-OptedYesCYYYYYYCY
Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-OptedYesAAYYYYYCY
Steve AngelDTGParent GovernorYesAYYYYYYCY
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HTYesCYAYYYYCY
Sean Cullen LA GovernorYesCYYYYYYCA
Ellie Morland Staff GovernorYesAYYAYYYCY
Amelia Blake Co-Opted GovernorYesAYYAYAYCY
Katie McAuley Co-Opted GovernorYesCYYYYAYCY
Deborah Pyne Co-Opted GovernorYesAAAAAAACA
Jaydene Witchell Parent GovernorYesAYYYYYYCY
Tina Davidson Clerk to the Governing BodyNoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYYCY
Deb Summers AssociateNoCYN/AYN/AYYCN/A
Lisa Mason-Hewitt AssociateNoAN/AYN/AYN/AN/ACY
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor          
Vacancy  Co-Opted Governor          
HCC clerk Clerk cover   Diane Reavey Diane ReaveyNikki France    
Louise TedfordResigned Dec 2023Clerk to the Governing BodyNoCAYN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Craig Maxwell-BrownResigned May 2024Co-Opted Governor CYY*AYNN/AN/AN/A

(Key: Y=Attended; Y*= Attended but left before the end of the meeting; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2022-2023

The Governing Body have decided to continue with a Flat Structure for a further year, with 9 Full Governing Board meetings running across the year.

Governor Attendance Sept 2022 - Jul 2023 - Full Governing Body Meetings

NamePositionType of GovernorVoting Rights22/920/1024/1112/0109/0223/0304/0508/0613/07
Debbie SawyerChairCo-OptedYesYYYYYYYYY
Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-OptedYesAYYYYYYYY
Steve AngelDTGParent GovernorYesYYYYAYYYY
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HTYesYYYYYYYYY
Sean Cullen LA GovernorYesY*YYYAYAYY
Molly MullenTemp Stepped down whilst on Maternity LeaveStaff GovernorNoYAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Ellie MorlandTemp Cover for Molly MullenStaff GovernorYesN/AN/AYYN/AYYYA
Amelia Blake Co-Opted GovernorYesYYYYN/AYYAY
Katie McAuley Co-Opted GovernorYesY*AYYYYAYY
Deborah Pyne Co-Opted GovernorYesYAYYYY*YYA
Jaydene Witchell Parent GovernorYesYYAYYYYYY
Craig Maxwell-Brown Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AY
Deb Summers AssociateNoYYYYN/AYN/AN/AY
Lisa Mason-Hewitt AssociateNoNYYYYN/AYN/AA
Louise Tedford Clerk to the Governing BodyNoN/AN/AN/AN/AYYYYY
Vacancy  Co-Opted Governor          
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor          
Clerk Vacancy   JW (Temp)HM (Temp)L M-H (Temp)HCC ClerkN/AN/AN/AN/A 

(Key: Y=Attended; Y*= Attended but left before the end of the meeting; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2021-2022

The Governing Body have decided to continue with a Flat Structure for a further year, however the spacing between the meetings and ensuring that business could be agreed and acted upon in a timely way, there will now only be 9 Full Governing Board meetings running across the year.

Governor Attendance Sept 2021 - Jul 2022 - Full Governing Body Meetings

NamePositionType of GovernorVoting Rights23/921/1025/1113/0110/0217/0305/0509/0614/07
Debbie SawyerChairCo-OptedYesYYYYYYYYY
Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-OptedYesYYYYYYYYY
Steve AngelDTGParent GovernorYesN/AN/AYYYYYYY
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HTYesYYYYAYYYA
Sean Cullen LA GovernorYesYYYYYYYYY
Molly Mullen Staff GovernorYesN/AN/AAYYYYYY
Amelia Blake Co-Opted GovernorYesYYAYYAYYY
Katie McAuley Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AN/AYYYYAYY
Deborah Pyne Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYYY
Jaydene Witchell Parent GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AY
Deb Summers AssociateNoYAYYYYYYY
Lisa Taylor AssociateNoAYAYYNYYY
Vacancy  Co-Opted Governor          
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor          



Data showing who clerked during Vacancy PeriodLT ClerkedLT ClerkedHM/DS ClerkedHCC Temp ClerkHCC Temp ClerkHCC Temp Clerk
Marika JohnsonClerkResignedNoYN/AYN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Anneka Schofield ResignedNoAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Jessica Spacagna ResignedNoAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Fiona Western LeftNoYANNNNNN/AN/A
Ruth Harrison ResignedNoYYYAYAN/AN/AN/A
Matthew Hawes ResignedNoYYYYYAN/AN/AN/A

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2020-2021

Continuing with the same meeting schedule as last year, there will be 10 Full Governing Board meetings a year running as a Flat Governing Body Structure.

Governor Attendance Sept 2020 - Jul 2021 - Full Governing Body Meetings

NamePositionType of GovernorVoting Rights17/915/1019/1110/1221/0125/0225/0306/0510/0615/07
Debbie SawyerChairCo-OptedYesY


Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-OptedYesYYYYYYYYYY
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HTYesYYYYYYYYYY
Anneka Schofield Parent GovernorYesYYYYYAYAYY
Matthew Hawes Parent GovernorYesYYYYAYYYYY
Jessica Spacagna Staff GovernorYesAAAYYYAAYA
Fiona Western Co-Opted GovernorYesYYYYYYAYAY
Sean Cullen LA GovernorYesN/AN/AYYAYYYAY
Amelia Blake Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYYYA
Ruth Harrison Co-Opted GovernorYesN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AY
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor           
Vacancy Co-Opted Governor           
Deb Summers AssociateNoYYYYYYN/AYYY
Lisa Taylor AssociateNoYYYAAAN/AYYA
Marika Johnson ClerkNoYYYYYYYYYY
Julia Stevens ResignedNoAAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Zoe Snow ResignedYesYAYAYAN/AN/AN/AN/A
Thomas Reynolds ResignedYesYAYAYYN/AN/AN/AN/A
Paul Stevens ResignedYesYYYYYYYYAN/A

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2019-2020

Following on from a successful year as a Flat Governing Body structure, the governing body have elected to continue the next academic year also as a Flat Structure.  Moving forward there will now be 10 Full Governing Board meetings a year.


Due to COVID-19 social distancing measures and school closures, the FGB held on 26th March was completed in a Virtual Meeting Room and only focussed on statutory Finance and Policy agenda items.  The FGB on 11th June was completed in a Virtual Meeting Room and focussed on the phased re-opening on Nursery, Yr R and Yr 6 whilst still supporting Keyworker and Vulnerable children in school.  It is anticipated that our final meeting of the year will also be a Virtual Meeting to enable us to carry on observing social distancing measures set out by the Government at this time.

Governor Attendance Sept 2019 - Jul 2020 - Full Governing Body Meetings

Name Position Type of Governor Voting Rights 19/9 17/10 14/11 12/12 23/01 27/02 26/03 07/05 11/06 09/07
Debbie Sawyer Chair Co-Opted Yes Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Hannah Mitchell Vice Chair Co-Opted Yes Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Paul Stevens DTG Co-Opted Yes Y C Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y
Amanda Mullett Exec HT Exec HT Yes Y C Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y
Anneka Schofield   Parent Governor Yes Y C A Y Y A Y Y Y Y
Matthew Hawes   Parent Governor Yes N/A C Y A A Y Y Y Y Y
Jessica Spacagna   Staff Governor Yes Y C A Y Y A A Y A Y
Julia Stevens   Co-Opted Yes A C Y Y Y Y N Y Y A
Zoe Snow   Co-Opted Yes N/A C Y Y A A Y Y A Y
Thomas Reynolds   Co-Opted Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A A Y Y Y Y A
Vacant Position   Co-Opted Governor Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Vacant Position   LA Governor Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Deb Summers   Associate No Y C Y Y Y Y N/A Y Y Y
Lisa Taylor   Associate No Y C A Y Y A N/A Y Y Y
Marika Johnson   Clerk No Y C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Alice Willis   Resigned No A C A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Fiona Western   Resigned No Y C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Janice Chainey   Resigned No Y C A Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable; C=Cancelled)

The Structure of the Governing Body 2018-2019

In September 2018 the governing board proposed and accepted a change in structure within the Governing Body.  Prior to this date the governing body was split into two main committees being a Resources Committee and a Strategy Committee.  There were 6 Full Governing Board meetings, 5 Resource Committee meetings and 4 Strategy Committee meetings a year.  Moving forward there will now be 11 Full Governing Board meetings and no sub committee meetings.

Governor Attendance Sept 2018 - Jul 2019 - Full Governing Body Meetings

Name Position Type of Governor Voting Rights 27/9 18/10 15/11 06/12 25/01 14/02 14/03 25/04 23/05 13/06 11/07
Debbie Sawyer Chair Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ben Walmsley Vice Chair Parent Governor Yes Y A A Y A A Y Y N N A
Anneka Schofield DTG Parent Governor Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Amanda Mullett Exec HT Exec HT Yes Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y A Y Y
Fiona Western   Co-Opted Yes Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y
Carol Moody   Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y A Y
Julia Stevens   Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Y
Hannah Mitchell   Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y Y N A Y Y A Y
Janice Chainey   LA Governor Yes Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Y
Jessica Spacagna   Staff Governor Yes N/A A Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y A
Vacant Position   Co-Opted Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Vacant Position   Co-Opted Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Deb Summers   Associate No Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Lisa Taylor   Associate No A A Y Y A Y Y N Y Y Y
Marika Johnson   Clerk No N/A N/A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Becky Dann   Clerk (Resigned) No Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable)

Governor Attendance Sept 2017 - Jul 2018 - Full Governing Body Meetings

Name Position Type of Governor Voting Rights 28/09 23/11 25/01 22/03 24/05 12/07
Fiona Western Chair Co-Opted Yes Y Y A A Y Y
Debbie Sawyer Vice Chair Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Amanda Mullett Exec HT Exec HT Yes Y Y A Y Y Y
Carol Moody Chair Resources Co-Opted Yes Y Y A Y Y Y
Kate Davies Chair Strategy Co-Opted (until 10/01) Yes A Y N/A N/A N/A N/A
Antony Gahr   Parent Governor (until 28/09) Yes Y N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ben Walmsley   Parent Governor (from 23/11) Yes Y A Y Y Y Y
Hannah Mitchell   Co-Opted Yes A Y Y Y Y A
Ianto Davies   Parent Governor (until 25/01) Yes Y A Y N/A N/A N/A
Anneka Schofield   Parent Governor (from 25/01) Yes N/A N/A Y Y Y Y
Miki Hillyar   Staff Governor (until 12/7) Yes Y Y A A A Y
Julia Stevens   Co-Opted (covered maternity til 24/05 then elected) Yes Y Y Y Y Y Y
Stephanie Hambridge   Co-Opted (on maternity) Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Janice Chainey   LA Gov (from 12/7) Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A Y Y
Deb Summers   Associate Member No Y Y Y Y Y Y
Lisa Taylor   Associate Member No Y Y Y Y Y Y
Becky Dann   Clerk (from 04/01) No N/A N/A Y Y Y Y

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable)

Governor Attendance Sept 2017 - Jul 2018 - Resource Committee Meetings

Name Position Type Voting Rights 19/10 16/11 15/03 26/04 21/06
Carol Moody Chair of Resources Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y A
Fiona Western Chair of Governors Co-Opted Yes Y Y N Y Y
Amanda Mullett Exec HT Exec HT Yes Y Y Y Y Y
Hannah Mitchell   Co-Opted Yes Y A Y Y Y
Ianto Davies   Parent Yes A Y N/A N/A N/A
Julia Stevens   Co-Opted Yes Y Y Y Y Y
Debbie Sawyer Vice Chair Co-Opted Yes N/A N/A Y Y Y
Deb Summers   Associate No A Y Y Y Y
Lisa Taylor   Associate No Y Y Y A Y
Becky Dann   Clerk No N/A N/A Y Y Y

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable)

Governor Attendance Sept 2017 - Jul 2018 - Strategy Committee Meetings

Name Position Type Voting Rights 12/10 23/11
Kate Davies Chair of Strategy Co-Opted Yes Y Y
Fiona Western Chair of Governors Co-Opted Yes Y Y
Amanda Mullett Exec HT Exec HT Yes Y Y
Debbie Sawyer Vice Chair Co-Opted Yes Y Y
Miki Hillyar   Staff Yes A Y
Ben Walmsley   Parent Yes Y A
Deb Summers   Associate No A Y
Lisa Taylor   Associate No Y Y
Becky Dann   Clerk No N/A N/A

(Key: Y=Attended; A=Apologies sent (did not attend); N= Did not attend (no apologies sent); N/A= Not applicable)

