Read some of the fabulous comments people have made about our federation:
- ‘The Wildground induction process was excellent and your staff are superb’ (Parent)
- ‘Our experience of your school has been extremely positive’ (Parent)
- ‘I am under no illusion as to how much hard work it has taken to reach and maintain these high standards and you should all be immensely pleased. What a great school you are helping to shape’ (Parent comment on Infant Ofsted report)
- ‘My family came to the sports day held recently. We were very impressed with the organisation of the whole event. The involvement of the staff and their relationship with the students was exemplary’ (Grandparent)
- ‘Wildground is a lovely school with super staff’ (Visitor)
- ‘We were lucky enough to have found Wildground Infants and you have all been fantastic’ (Parent)
- ‘What a lovely school this is – everyone is so friendly and helpful’ (Parent)
- ‘The children were very well behaved and asked lots of good questions’ (Visitor)
- ‘First let me say your school is beautiful! It’s got all I am looking for! Not me alone but everyone!’ (Visitor)
- ‘Lovely presentation, really enjoyed the children’s performance. They did amazingly well’ (Visitor)
- ‘We go to many schools in the area and far afield yet always have a soft spot for this school’ (Visitor)
- ‘We had a lovely visit in year R. We discussed good practice and gathered some great ideas from clearly experienced staff’ (Visiting school)
- ‘Liked the observation station and family groups’ (Visiting school to year R)
- ‘Role of adult is positive- all knew their role/outcome, all responsible for an area, clearly photographed and labelled areas’ (Visiting school to year R)
- ‘Thorough clear planning based on needs and interests of the child’ (Visiting school to year R)
- ‘Very well organised, purposeful, great outdoor area – zoned and organised’ (Visiting school to year R)
- ‘Teaching assistants move seamlessly in classroom and are a ‘team’ with the teachers’ (Visiting school to the Junior school)
- ‘Learning behaviour very focussed in classrooms’ (Visiting school to the Junior school)
- ‘Clear evidence of language rich environments’ (Visiting school to the Infant school)