School Name

Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Federation


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


The Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body are a team of volunteers who provide support and guidance to the Senior Leadership Team and Staff and is collectively responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school and for monitoring the schools performance.


The Governing Body has three main roles:

  • Strategic - Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

The Governing Body sets the general direction of the Infant and Junior School, looking at how they should best develop. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets & priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims & school objectives.

  • Critical Friend - Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;

The Governing Body must work closely with the Senior Leadership Team and create a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing the two schools. The Governing Body must feel able to question and challenge, real critical friendship is only achieved where there is trust and mutual respect.

  • Accountability - Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

A school is a business and its stakeholders are the pupils. The Governing Body must have a professional attitude and use its collective skills to benefit the pupils. It must gather views, ask questions and decide what is best for the schools. The Governing Body is answerable to parents and the wider community.

The Structure of the Governing Body.

In September 2018 a change in structure from Committee Led to a Flat Governance structure for the Governing Body was proposed and accepted unanimously.  Prior to this date the governing body was split into two main committees being a Resources Committee and a Strategy Committee.  There were 6 Full Governing Board meetings, 5 Resource Committee meetings and 4 Strategy Committee meetings a year.  By moving to a Flat Governance structure, hence disbanding the requirement for the Resources Committee and Strategy Committee, all members of the Governing Body attend all meetings and discuss all areas of the Federation.  We now hold 9 Full Governing Board meetings a year.

NamePositionWho AppointedCurrent Term of Office Start & End DatesTerm of OfficeBusiness; Pecuniary & Material InterestsResponsibilitiesGovernance Roles in Other Educational Institutions
Debbie SawyerChairCo-Opted Governor - proposed by Fiona Western - Accepted by FGB23/09/2021 - 22/09/20253None
  • Chair of Governors
  • Exec HT Perf Mgmt Panel (Chair)
  • Staff Pay Panel
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Governor Visits Co-ordinator
  • Curriculum Link
Hannah MitchellVice ChairCo-Opted Governor - Proposed by Fiona Western - Accepted by FGB23/09/21- 22/09/252None
  • Vice Chair of Governors
  • Exec HT Perf Mgmt Panel
  • Staff Pay Panel (Chair)
  • Finance Link
  • Curriculum Link


DTGCo-Opted Governor - Proposed from Parent Governor Election process - Elected by FGB10/11/2021 - 09/11/20251None
  • Development and Training Governor (DTG)
  • Health & Safety Link
  • Personal Development Link
  • English Link
Amanda MullettExec HTExec HT7/10/13 - N/AOngoing as Exec HTStaff
  • Executive Headteacher
Sean Cullen LA Governor - Nominated by Cllr Malcolm Wade - Accepted by FGB19/11/2020 - 18/11/20241None
  • Hampshire Forum Representative
  • Exec HT Perf Mgmt Panel
  • Staff Pay Panel
  • Behaviour & Attitudes Link
  • Maths Subject Link
Ellie Morland Staff Governor - Proposed by Debbie Sawyer (after covering maternity leave) Accepted by FGB24/11/2022 - 23/11/20261Staff
  • Staff Link
  • Behaviour & Attitudes Link
Amelia Blake Co-opted Governor - Proposed by Debbie Sawyer - Accepted by FGB25/02/2021 - 24/02/20251Staff
  • Personal Development Link
  • English Link
Deborah Pyne Co-Opted Governor - Proposed by Debbie Sawyer - Accepted by FGB05/05/2022 - 04/05/20261None
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Marketing Link
Roderick Leach Co-Opted Governor - Proposed by Debbie Sawyer Accepted by FGB17/10/2024 - 16/10/20281Owner of a Media Business
  • SEN Link
  • Science Link
Tina Davidson Clerk to the Governing Body1/3/2024 - ongoing1Staff
  • Policy Link
Deb Summers Associate Member  Staff
  • Head of School Infants
Lisa Mason-Hewitt Associate Member  Staff
  • Head of School Juniors
Governor at New Forest Care School
Co-Opted Vacancy       
Parent Gov Vacancy       
Parent Gov Vacancy       
Louise Tedford Resigned as FGB Clerk18/01/2023 - Dec 2023 None None
Craig Maxwell-Brown Resigned13/07/2023 - 02/05/20241None None
Jaydene Witchell Resigned06/07/2022 - 01/09/20241None None
Steve Angel Resigned22/10/2021 - 24/10/20241None





When governors are appointed to a governing body, they are entitled to keep their appointment for a whole Term of Office which is 4 years.  Within this table, the Current Term of Office Start & End dates refer to the latest term that the governor is serving.  The Term of Office column signifies the Current Term of office that the governor is serving within.  E.g. if a governor has been identified in this table as being in Term of Office 1, then the Start and End dates are representative of their initial appointment as a governor.  Where the Term is a number greater than 1, they have already served the number of previous terms in blocks of 4 years prior to the start date shown in this table.  (i.e. if they are in their 3rd term of office, they have already served 8 years (2 * 4 year terms) as a governor previous to the dates shown here)

Could you be a school governor?

This short video explains what it is to be a school governor. To find our more about our current vacancies, please see our Governor Vacancies page.

Wildground Federation Governing Body encourages interest from members of our community in finding out more about the work we do.  Please see page Governors Information for more details on the background of each Governor and Governors Attendance for information on attendance figures at meetings over the last academic year.  If you are interested in joining Wildground Federation Governing Body, please see our Governors Vacancies page.


If you wish to contact the Governing Body - please choose from:

Debbie Sawyer, Chair of Governors on

Tina Davidson, Clerk to the Governing Body 

