School Name

Wildground Federation

Learn and succeed together for the journey ahead

School Name

Wildground Federation

School Uniform

Wearing a school uniform plays a valuable part in contributing to the ethos of the Wildground Federation whilst setting and reflecting an age-appropriate standard. It is also a visual reminder of personal discipline, independence, good order and the federation’s high standards and expectations.


As a federation of an infant and junior school we have one uniform to prevent the need to change to a new uniform when children move to the juniors in Y3. 



Main Uniform:

  • black or grey trousers, long school shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • white, pale or navy blue shirt or polo shirt
  • navy cardigan or jumper
  • navy checked dress in warmer weather (No mini shorts please)


PE Kit:

  • plain black shorts
  • plain, without buttons, red (Hunt), yellow (Livingstone) or blue (Fleming) t-shirt reflecting their house team
  • plimsolls (infants) & trainers (juniors)
  • tracksuit when children are doing PE outdoors in colder weather (optional)
  • suitable PE kit bag


Shoes and other items:

For your child’s safety and comfort, we ask that they wear sensible low heeled black shoes that are suitable for outdoor wear.  The Waterside Community Fund (formerly Dibden Allotments) support funding for shoe vouchers and these vouchers can be used in a number of shops, including one local shop in Hythe.  If you are in receipt of financial support / benefit, then please contact the Federation Office who can advise further on eligibility.


Children will need a coat and other outer clothing in cold weather, and a sunhat in warmer months.


We would recommend that children in the infants have a book bag to help with bringing home reading and library books.


We discourage children from bringing personal belongings to school to avoid any upset if they are lost or broken.



All items of clothing are widely available at competitive prices in many high street stores.  Cardigans, jumpers and PE t-shirts do not have to have the federation logo on them.  If parents and carers wish to purchase items with the federation logo, then Skoolkit of Totton can place an order for you:


Address: 1 Commercial Road, Totton, SO40 3BX  

Phone Number: 023 8066 7600




Children can wear a watch and a pair of stud earrings are permitted. No other jewellery should not be worn in school.  On days when children have PE, any studs should be removed or preferably not worn to school.


Make up:

No make up or false nails. 


Nursery and Owls:

Children attending our Nursery and Owls, Early Learning Group are asked to wear clothing suitable for indoor and outdoor learning and parents and carers are to provide spare clothing in their child’s bag. Parents and carers with children in the Owls can obtain a polo shirt and jumper with the Owls logo from Skoolkit if they wish to but there is no requirement to.


Naming Clothing & Lost Property:

It is essential that a child's clothing and property be labelled in some way. This does help when trying to trace lost property. To view lost property, please contact the federation office. Lost property is displayed at the end of each term after which items are donated for charity.


PTFA & second hand uniform:

Wildground Federation PTFA collect quality second hand from donations made by parents and carers.  Throughout the year they put out all the items and invite you to take a look.  In between these times, you are welcome to come into the Federation office and leave a message for the PTFA of the item(s) you are looking for and one of the team will come back to you in a timely manner.


Locally there is a Facebook group set up to help with swapping and selling of second hand uniform.





Personal Belongings

We discourage children from bringing personal belongings to school to avoid any issues around loss and upset.

