Antibullying - Change starts with us
This week we have been thinking about the changes we can all make to make school a happy place for all. 'Change starts with us' is a national campaign spearheaded by the Anti-bullying Alliance. It challenges all of us to think about how we treat other people.
We have discussed the simple advice that can help our school stay 'bully free':
Be kind
Show care
Respect all
Include everyone
Compliment each other.
In classes children have reflected on these messages which fit perfectly with our values and 'Golden Rules'.
We have also reminded children that bullying is
Purpose. (STOP)
and that they can talk to any adult to tell them if something is happening to them that makes them upset.
Our pupil support worker- Mrs Kingdon is also available Monday - Thursday mornings to support children with any friendship issues. To speak to her please contact either office.